Friday, June 6, 2008

My First Summer Outside of Texas

OK so this is going to sound a little LiveJournalesque, but something big is going down tomorrow morning. I'm leaving. 3500 miles of driving are in front of me between now and August, two-thirds of which are coming in the next week. And I don't know a single soul that I will be spending the next 9 weeks with, but that is part of the adventure.

I'm excited about getting out completely on my own for once and also the challenge that is the research project I will have at Ohio State. Before that, Young Life camp at Crooked Creek Ranch (ahhh CC!). I'm so thankful to have this awesome opportunity to just hang out with my guys and for all of us to hear about Jesus for an entire week as we live our lives at home back in Austin.

Much more soon about how camp went once arrive in Columbus!

Peace n Love,